social responsibility

ARN Group actlively fulfilling its social responsibility



The development of enterprises is inseparable from the support of society. ARN Group uses practical actions to create a good social image. The Group's party committee has established totally 11 Hope Primary Schools in Yuexi County, Taihu County and other counties, donated funds to set up scholarships in Anqing Vocational and Technical School, donated physical laboratories in Anqing Normal University, donated funds to establish Digital Library in Anqing No. 1 Middle School ; organized annually Party members to assist Hope Primary School students with 68 pairs in 2015 and 2016; actively participated in voluntary tree planting activities and went to Dalongshan and Liuji Industrial Park to plant more than 300 trees in 2015 and 2016; organized labor union to donate more than 200,000 RMB to employees in difficulties from enterprises every year; donated 270,000 RMB in 2015, ranking top in Anqing for five consecutive years; organizing party members and volunteers to have blood donation every year, of which 105,100 ml of blood was donated merely in 2015; 52 people participated in the Yangtze River dyke in 2016 Emergency rescue; the group builds an honest system with practical actions, paid taxes according to regulations, and has successively won the honorary titles of "A-level tax credit enterprise", "Quality credit A-level enterprise", and "Excellent employer". A total of 918 million RMB in taxes were paid in 2014 and 2015.

ARN Group repays the society's actions with actual actions and wins praises from people. It also makes ARN Group's reputation grow day by day.


Blood donation


Unveiling the plague of the digital library of No. 1 middle School


Helping and Supporting children in Yuxi County


Flood-flighting and relief


Ode to passion and love

---Report on public welfare and poverty alleviation of Anhui ARN group

Donated to build 11 Hope Primary Schools, 1 Middle School Digital Library, and 2 University Physics Labs;

set up six groups to help students and assist a total of 227 students in pairs, with a gift of 280,000 RMB;

Implement precise assistance to the poverty-stricken villages in Wangjiang County, the total assistance funds are expected to be 640,000 RMB...

Opening the “Public Welfare Book” of Anhui ARN Group. In the past two decades, ARN Group has accumulated 9 million RMB in public welfare funds for education, poverty alleviation, targeted poverty alleviation, and assistance to employees in difficult enterprises. Behind the numbers, there is a lot of blood and a true feeling. ARN Group has composed a great ode to public welfare and poverty alleviation with practical actions for many years.

Anhui ARN Group is a professional enterprise engaged in R&D and production of key automotive components. At present, it has 15 joint ventures including ATG, ATP, AAT, ATGL, and 10 first-level wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries. Over the past two decades, ARN Group has kept pace with the development of China's auto industry, seized the opportunities of industrial transformation, achieved leapfrog development, and created "new miracles" one after another. Till 2015, the registered capital of the group and its affiliated companies has exceeded 1.4 billion RMB, with a total investment of 4.2 billion RMB. In 2015, ARN Group's total sales reached 6.324 billion RMB, profits and taxes were 1.313 billion RMB, and taxes paid 441 million RMB.

The development of enterprises can not be separated from the support of the society. No matter how fast the pace of development is, for the warm land of nurturing at the foot, for the sincere neighbors around, ARN has not forgotten. Over the years, the party committees of the group have cherished great love, fulfilled their social responsibilities with a sincere heart, and returned the local society with true passion.


Donate money to help students 

In the past 20 years, ARN group has focused on the cultivation of local talents, devoted itself to the public welfare of education, and contributed to the construction of 11 hope primary schools, 1 middle school digital library and 2 university physics laboratories, realizing the full coverage of public welfare of education from primary school to university.

Since 2002, ARN group has donated 11 hope primary schools in Anqing city and surrounding counties. They are: Jiangjun Village Primary School of Changfeng Township, Yingjiang District, Changling Town Primary School of Wangjiang County, Xiangpu Town Primary School of Tongcheng City, Yutan Township Primary School of Zongyang County, Kunlun Village Primary School of Huangbai town of Qianshan County, Wangcheng Village Primary School of Gufang town of Yuexi County, Central Primary School of jiugu township of Susong County, tangdaxiao School of Xuqiao town of Taihu County, Yangting Primary School of wuheng township of Yixiu District, Xieshan Primary School of Gaohe town of Huaining County, Cihu Primary School of Wangjiang county Village primary school. 11 primary schools donated 2.8 million RMB. In 2008 and 2009, he donated 200000 RMB to build physics laboratory in Anqing Normal University and Anqing Vocational and technical college, and 300000 RMB to build digital library in Anqing No.1 Middle School in 2013. Over the past 14 years, 3.5 million RMB has been donated to education.


Help in pairs and pass on love

Keeping in mind social responsibilities, always be grateful. In the good deeds of ARN Group to donate to build Hope Primary School, the members of the Party Committee of ARN Group deeply understood the difficulties of the people in the mountains, the shortage of educational resources in the countryside, and the children’s desire to learn.

Since 2012, the Party Committee of the Group has set up six student aid groups, calling on party members and cadres to take the lead in claiming students from poor families, helping them in pairs, and donating tuition to each student every academic year. Most of the students are left-behind children, lacking parental affection. Party members and cadres of ARN Group regard the children as their own children. They are usually concerned about the children’s life and learning, and understand the actual difficulties. . Every consolation will bring books, sports equipment, clothes, food and other items, and send warmth and care to the children and the hearts of the villagers.

In 2014, a total of 148 students were under help, and a total of 152,000 RMB of condolences were donated; in 2015, 46 students were under help, and a consolation fund of 9.84 RMB was donated; from 2016 to October, 33 pairs were donated, and a sympathy fund of 33,000 RMB was donated. Over the past three years, a total of 227 pairs have been assisted, and a condolences of RMB 283,400 have been presented.


Precise assistance and poverty alleviation

In order to actively respond to the deployment proposed by the 11th Congress of the Municipal Party Committee to resolutely win the precise battle against poverty, we will give full play to our own advantages and earnestly shoulder the responsibility of helping. ARN Group established a leading group for precision assistance, with the party committee secretary and deputy secretary serving as the group leader and party committee member. Under the unified deployment and coordination of the leadership of the CPPCC, the group's support and guidance group has visited the Xinling Village, Mashan Village and Cihu Village of Taici Town in Wangjiang County for several times to understand the geographical characteristics, population distribution and economy of the three villages. Happening. After detailed understanding of the basic situation of the three villages and the difficulties faced by poverty alleviation, the assistance guidance group immediately stated that ARN Group will give full play to its advantages in management, talents and funds, and will provide rural tourism for Xinling Village, Mashan Village and Cihu Village. Development, optical fiber power generation, school construction assistance, and education support for poor students should be well supported. At the same time, we hope that the three villages will actively take advantage of their geographic location, resources and environment, and find ways and features in special planting and ecological farm construction. Development, enhance its own hematopoietic function, stimulate internal growth momentum, and effectively improve the progress of targeted poverty alleviation.

Based on the actual needs of these three villages, it was determined that the primary school comprehensive building, photovoltaic power generation, special planting and other projects will be phased in assistance. The total assistance funds are 640,000 RMB, and the first 60,000 RMB assistance funds are in place. In addition to project funding assistance and student funding assistance, ARN Group also encourages the development of industries such as special planting and garment processing in Xinling and Mashan villages in Taici Town. It can give priority to relying on the supply and marketing channels of ARN Group to create its own Brand, let the products go out, truly get rid of poverty and become rich, and build a well-off society.


Help the poor 

Repaying society is the responsibility of an enterprise, especially for a responsible enterprise.

Since 2012, the labor union of the group has taken the lead in donating more than 200,000 RMB to employees in difficult enterprises in Anqing City, ranking first in Anqing for five consecutive years, and cumulatively donated 1.15 million RMB in 2016.

Pay attention to unpaid blood donation to provide protection for citizens' health. The party committees and labor unions of the Group organize voluntary blood donation for party members and employees every year. By 2015, they organized 13 blood donations for free, with a total blood donation of 105,100 ml, ranking first in the city.

In the face of major natural disasters, the party committee of ARN Group cherished great love and donated enthusiastically. In 2008, the Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake, donated 1 million RMB; the 2010 Qinghai Yushu earthquake, donated 1 million RMB; the 2016 summer flood, the group donated 1.05 million RMB for flood relief.

The iron shoulders are bold and righteous. Behind the series of numbers, there is a lot of passion and love. The group also actively participates in various public welfare activities organized by the Anqing municipal government, such as voluntary tree planting, flood relief, roadblock sweeping, etc. As long as it is a beneficial social activity, there are volunteers from ARN Group.


Promoting joint venture parties to participate in charity

Japan TPR Co., Ltd. has established five joint ventures including ATG in Anqing. With the strong support of the local government of Anqing City, each company has achieved good results. In order to repay the society, besides actively participating in the cause of public welfare and poverty alleviation, ARN Group has also promoted the cooperative shareholders to actively promote the following educational public welfare and charity activities.

1. TPR Corporation

Chunlei Girls Project. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of ATG in 2006, it launched a funding campaign for out-of-school girls from poor families in Anqing City. For five consecutive years, a total of 250,000 RMB was donated to support nearly 500 out-of-school girls.

TPR Scholarship for Chinese University Students. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of ATP, a fund-raising activity was launched for poor college students in Anqing Vocational and Technical College. From September 2010 to July 2015, a total of 250,000 RMB was subsidized for 5 consecutive years and 125 students were subsidized.

China-Japan Friendship TPR Centennial Scholarship. On the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment of ATG in 2011, an agreement was signed with the Anqing City Committee of the Communist Youth League Anhui Province Hope Engineering Office for the "China-Japan Friendship TPR Hundred Years Scholarship" agreement. 15 junior high school students, 15 high school students, a total of 60 students. Each year, each elementary school student and junior high school student is funded 2,000 RMB, and high school students are funded 3,000 RMB.

TPR Scholarship for Chinese University Students. In March 2015, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of ATGL, an agreement was signed with the Hope Engineering Office of the Anqing City Committee of the Communist Youth League in Anhui Province to grant funding: from August 2015 to August 2019, continuous funding 5 In the year, 50,000 RMB per year, 2,500 RMB per person, 20 people per year, a total of 100 people in 5 years.

2. FM company

On the 15th anniversary of the founding of ATG, FM company donated 300000 RMB to Anqing social (children) welfare center in October 2011.

On the 20th anniversary of the founding of ATG, in October 2016, FM company of the United States donated 200000 RMB to Anqing social (children) welfare center and 100000 RMB to the rehabilitation center for disabled children in Muyang home, Anqing city.

"The road of public welfare has only a starting point and no ending point." As Pan Yixin, chairman of ARN group, advocates, "ARN group will, as always, take the revitalization of the automobile industry as its responsibility and give back to its employees and local society with its own development."

The competition among enterprises is the competition of technology and talents. In the final analysis, it is the competition of culture. Enthusiastic public welfare and selfless dedication are becoming a part of the new corporate culture of the group, which has penetrated into the blood and soul of each employee , who owns a hundred years of new dream.

(ARN Group  Wu Zhenhai  Zhang Weixia )
